
Re-light my (washing machine) fire...

      Finally I managed to give life to this old idea of mine: to create a light out of an old washing machine drum i found. I've already placed it in my living room and it really suits there I can say!  
I also made a smaller light out of a kaiser beer can and some old pieces of ribbon.  

Here's the proof (that there is no such thing as garbage) :

                Impressive, isn't  it?
look at the patterns on the wall!      

Drink up, drink up,

 but don't forget to recycle.

You just need a 500ml beer can (choose your favorite beer can) some ribbons and a pair of scissors... Have fun!


  1. What a creative use of junk! Caught you at Recyclart.

  2. P.S. Just became a follower.

  3. Hello, I would love to feature a picture of yours on our site, we will give you attribution which would include a link to your site, and I was wondering if you could please send me your email address so I could give you more information.


    -Sarah Connolly

  4. I would like to know what kind of light you used for the wash tub. I have several and I want to put them in my back yard.

    1. 60 watt transparent incandescent lamp... sorry for taking this long to answer...


I would be happy to read your opinion and new ideas!