
Cream cheese package into pretty gift box

       Since carrying twins during the 36th week of pregnancy isn't the easiest and most pleasant thing in the world, I am at home most of the time laying on the couch and surfing on the Internet, so basically doing nothing :-) Occasionally I manage to become a little crafty like today that I made this gift box out of garbage as usual:

     You  will need a package of cream cheese like this one:

     Some gift wrapping paper (I always keep the paper of the gifts I receive..) :


    Cut two circular pieces the size of the box and two long stripes so that they fit on top- bottom and around the box :

    Glue them on the box using paper glue:

   For the inner decoration I used some red lining, paper glue and a stapler :

Ok, not so perfect...

   Since it's my mum's birthday and I had made this necklace out of beads I bought a long time ago.. :


   She gets the gift in the gift box :-)))

For the finishing touch use some ribbon, red would be great too!

     Happy Birthday mama!

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I would be happy to read your opinion and new ideas!